
Building great Web Experiences with the JAM Stack

July 16, 2019DevelopmentDesign

The first websites that I have built (over a decade ago) were more or less static pages that I assembled by putting together pieces of code from all over the web 🙇🏽‍♂️. I was playing around until I achieved what I had in mind. Today there are far better ways to build websites / landingpages than…

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A decade of building products: What changed, what didn't

May 08, 2019ProductDevelopment

I still remember the first time that I was asked to build a Landingpage for a Business. It was more than 10 years ago, and the ~16 year old me was just getting started in building things online. The mother of a very good friend and classmate was running a successful consulting business and wanted to…

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PWA's in E-Commerce: A good idea?

February 27, 2019Development

As Product Managers, we care about a great User Experience on our Apps and Websites. A great User Experience consists of (in this order): A great concept/service that fulfills the user's needs, a reliable and usable product and a pleasurable experience when interacting with it. Let's say you have…

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Sinn spüren, nicht suchen.

December 26, 2018Meta

_This short essay is part of a series of texts (in german), that I wrote some time ago about different metaphysical topics. Feel free to dive in, if you understand it _🙈 Der Ursprung der Welt lässt sich nicht beschreiben, er entzieht sich der Wissenschaft, da er buchstäblich vor der Zeit und dem…

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Wag es.

December 03, 2018Meta

_This short essay is part of a series of texts (in german), that I wrote some time ago about different metaphysical topics. Feel free to dive in, if you understand it _🙈 „Nicht weil es schwer ist, wagen wir es nicht“, schrieb Seneca, „sondern weil wir es nicht wagen, ist es schwer.“ Jeder kennt das…

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